Filters for IE

Glow Filter
CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: Glow(Color=#ff0000, Strength=8); width:200px;font-size:20pt;">Glow Filter</span>

Possible Parameters:

  •     Color colour for the shadow effect. Hex value.
  •     strength intensity of the glow effect. 1 - 255. Gets away from "glow" at high values.

Drop Shadow Filter
CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: DropShadow(Color=#0066cc, OffX=5, OffY=-3, Positive=1);width:300px;font-size:20pt;">DropShadow Filter</span>
Possible Parameters:
  •               Color colour for the drop shadow effect. Hex value.
  •               offX number of pixels shadow is offset in x-axis
  •               offY number of pixels shadow is offset in y-axis
  •               positive non-zero value create drop shadow for any non-transparent pixel, false
  •            or zero  value creates shadow for any transparent pixel in visual object.

Shadow Filter
CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: Shadow(Color=#00cc66, Direction=45);width:200px;font-size:20pt;">Shadow Filter</span>

Possible Parameters:

  •     color colour of the shadow. Hex value.
  •     direction directional offset of the shadow in 45 degree increments between 0 and 315 degrees.

Wave Filter

CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: Wave(Add=1, Freq=2, LightStrength=30, Phase=20, Strength=7); width:200px;font-size:20pt;">Wave Effect</span>

Possible Parameters:
  •     add true (non-zero) adds waved effect to original, false (zero) does not.
  •     freq number of waves in visual area.
  •     lightstrength strength of light in wave effect from 0 - 100.
  •     phase wavelength at which offset should start from 0 - 360.
  •     strength intensity of wave effect.
FlipV Filter
CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: FlipV; width:200px;font-size:20pt;">FlipV Filter</span>

FlipH Filter

CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: FlipH; width:200px;font-size:20pt;">FlipH Filter</span>

Chroma Filter
CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: Chroma(Color=#9999cc); width:200px;font-size:20pt;">Chroma Filter</span>

Grayscale Filter
CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: Gray; width:300px;font-size:20pt;">Grayscale Filter</span>

Light Filter
CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: Light; width:200px;font-size:20pt;">Light Filter</span>

Mask FilterCSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: Mask(Color=#9999cc; width:200px;font-size:20pt;">Mask Filter</span>

X-Ray Filter
CSS Code Example:

<span style="FILTER: Xray; width:200px;font-size:20pt;background:#eeeeee;">X-Ray Filter</span>